2019 year in review

2019: My year in review

I’m not going to lie. 2019 was tough. It was wonderful and exciting and extremely scary all at the same time. A lot has happened this year (more like this decade) and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Good things fell apart so better things could come together. Cheesy as that sounds, it’s true.

I’d like to think that 2009 Trish would be proud of 2019 Trish because 2019 Trish accomplished all this:

  1. Moving out of my family home, my home town, the country I was born in, and the continent I grew up in, all in one go.

A lot of people have told me that I was always meant for bigger things outside of Manila. And nothing against Manila (it will always be home), but I agree with them. Living in Manila was life in easy mode and to say that I’ve grown complacent would be an understatement.

While some people ease their way out, I ripped the band-aid off and moved 6,000 km away. Don’t get me wrong, it was HARD. Luckily enough, I have a really good support system (thanks for keeping me in the loop Manila friends). I even had the chance to fly home twice this year, which cured all my homesickness.

  1. Sticking to my budget (most of the time) and managing to save 25%+ of my salary – even if I have more responsibilities and more financial freedom

Living out of my parent’s house, I never had to pay for rent, utilities or even groceries (thanks Mom and Dad!). This year, not only did I manage to remain debt free, but I managed to save over 25% of my salary.

Even if I made more money this year, I also incurred more expenses and had to sacrifice my old lifestyle, including my bimonthly trips to the salon and my love for travel.

While I wasn’t able to take any trip this year (apart from my two trips home), nor colour my hair more frequently, I’m more financially secure than I’ve ever been my entire life.

  1. Landing a job in the first world with a third-world background and zero connections

This was maybe one of the biggest hurdles I overcame this year. If you want to know more about this, read my full story here.

  1. Improving my skills in the kitchen and actually making something good (that won’t kill Andrew)

I’m proud to say that I can cook salmon perfectly 80% of the time and rice 99% of the time sans a rice cooker. I’ve had some hits and misses, but overall I’d like to think I’ve improved tremendously. Special shout-out to Hello Fresh, Marley Spoon and Dinnerly for assisting in my transition. (Also, if you click that Hello Fresh link, you’ll get $50 off your first box, you’re welcome)

  1. Learning more about myself and Andrew and growing together as a couple

Living with someone by choice is hard. I don’t know how people can just married AND THEN live together. I have learned so much about Andrew (and myself) since we moved in together. He’s helped me become more independent and I’d like to think I’ve helped him become less chaotic.

We’re hitting our 4-year mark next year and I honestly don’t know anyone who would’ve had the patience and love to stick with someone as erratic as me.

All in all, 2019 was crazy good but I’m glad it’s over.

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